Free State Drivers Vision…
While Free State Drivers is a for-profit consulting company, we believe that doing projects and developing products for the greater good or the good of the order is in the best interest of the forest industry. To further this goal FSDUtils (Free State Drivers software packages currently under development) will be focused on everyday tasks that plague all scales of the forest industry.
Many day-to-day tasks can be made more efficient and more user-friendly. With this in mind software utilities that remain constant across software packages is an important goal. There is limited need to learn multiple interfaces that all do the same thing; time that may be better spent doing other daily tasks. Even with a familiar interface the need for support still exists.
To help fill this need for support FSD plans to post Frequently Asked Questions in a searchable database on the internet as they become apparent. There will also be step by step guides available for everyday tasks, RSS feeds for upcoming events as well as tips and tricks. For questions that need additional support, there will still be telephone and email support.
FSD service rates will vary based on your organization’s need. Estimates will be provided upon request.