Tips and Tricks

A word to the wise about ransomware

So as all good stories go “No kidding there I was….”

The FSD Penguins had been scrambling all morning to try and get the internet up and running only to find out that Missoula had a near city wide internet outage.  Then the call that any support person dreads.  “What do you know about Bitcoins?”

Here are some steps that worked out well in this case your mileage might vary.

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Fixing the WordPress Media Upload ‘HTTP Error’ Problem

After having spent many hours searching how to fix this problem of uploading an image (likely large) and only getting a message of HTTP Error the FSD Web Penguin finally figured it out.  The solution was dead simple too.  Mileage may vary based on your hosting service.

All of the references pointed to some known ImageMagick issue with WP.  Finally we looked in to our hosting provider after having tried all the .htaccess and function.php modifications found everywhere.  It was clear that the provider offered the ImageMagick PHP extension.  We finally read on to find out that the provider DID NOT ENABLE the extensions by default.  Likely for security reasons and we can fully understand that.


edit your php.ini to include

extension =

The Forest Projection and Planning System and Taper

As of late The FSD Tech Penguin has received many questions on the topic of taper and The Forest Projection and Planning system (FPS).  This is not an insignificant topic as FPS is somewhat unique in how it determines taper.  This post will serve as a quick discussion of what FSD understands about the taper system in FPS and may not be 100% accurate.  However, this level of accuracy is based on a lack of available documentation and the fact that FPS is held as highly proprietary and completely non-open.  This means that the source code is not available and this knowledge comes from FSD attending several calibration workshops.  At this point we recommend getting some strong coffee… Continue reading