An entire glorious week in the office!!!That said all that happened was work. Terribly exciting.
In the world of forestry a new release of the Forest Projection and Planning System was released by the Forest Biometrics Research Institute. The main fix was to do with missing configuration values for species.
While testing this version the Penguins around here found an obscure “problem” when compiling forest cruise data. While the problem existed prior to this we only discovered the actual cause with this release. Without going into details never have a species of “..”. Needless to say it took several hours to find that was the problem.
Interesting forest modeling links this week. We would have to go with
“open-fvs – A public-participation repository for the Forest Vegetation Simulator – Google Project Hosting”
This is located @
We think this is a great step towards the openness needed in ALL forest models and hope that this can serve as a model for others. Early versions of the model were very open and even published line for line in USFS publications. But as the project grew the model became more “Black-Box”. This project is great. We have not had a chance to review any of it but the hopes are high.
Until next week when we discuss… We have no idea. If we could predict the future you really thing the FSD Penguins would be locked in the office trying to make fish. Think LOTTO!!